The latest denial of service attack
The internet was attacked by cyber criminals on October 21, taking Netflix, Twitter, Spotify, CNN and several other popular websites offline for hours.
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The internet was attacked by cyber criminals on October 21, taking Netflix, Twitter, Spotify, CNN and several other popular websites offline for hours.
When Dunham started working with the Internet in 1994, who would have thought that the issues of security would ever be so complex. Today we are concerned about the security of each and everyone of our clients – for good reason.
We are always evolving. Learn more about some of the changes happening at The Dunham Group.
We’re looking for a talented systems administrator to work in our IT/Computer Support department.
Follow these simple tips to help keep your personal information and computer safe.
You may already know that October is Cyber Security Awareness Month in Canada and the United States. It’s also Halloween. What do these two things have in common?
Even when kept up-to-date, firewalls and antivirus software are only able to defend against known threats.
Most people have heard about hackers getting access to sensitive data. It’s a dangerous myth however to believe that your own personal computer isn’t worth the trouble for a hacker or cyber-criminal.
Microsoft has confirmed a new vulnerability that could allow remote execution of code and affects every version of Internet Explorer.
The Dunham Group IT department has been on top of the issues that have threatened the security of many websites because of the Heartbleed vulnerability.