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Network Security: Outside looking in

The fundamentals of network security remain the same. Firewalls, antivirus, backups, policies and procedures all play an important role in securing your digital assets.

Michael’s Graduation

Why I’m glad I spent 3 long hours at a High School graduation ceremony.

Malware: Coming to a Mac near you!

For all of the Mac users out there that thought they were immune to viruses and malware it has been a really tough month.

Going Mobile

It’s time to consider building a mobile website to compliment the web presence you already have!

The Cloud: A scary place sometimes

For some organizations moving resources into the ‘cloud’ is a way to improve scalability, mobility, availability without large capital investments in equipment and software. Although this sounds like a great scenario, is it possible you are paining a nice big red target on your back?

The Shoemaker’s Children

New neighbourhood. New potential clients. No marketing material! We felt just like the shoemaker’s children. As we become our own client, here’s what we’re learning…

When the lights go out

Over the past week I have been dealing with a great number of calls related to power outages and equipment failures due to lightning strikes. […]

Getting on top

What are the 5 most important things you can do to get your website to the top of search engine rankings?

What’s old is new again

Remember the good ol’ days of the monthly newsletter? Well, those days are back – in a new and better way!

Spring is in the air

I don’t like feeling stuck, not having options, trapped, not in control. Like I’m caught in a big snow drift.

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