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Understanding the rising costs of advertising online

Online advertising is a cornerstone of digital marketing strategies for businesses of all sizes. Over the past decade, the cost of online advertising has increased, leaving many business struggling with tighter budgets and higher competition. What is causing this upward trend?

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1. Increased Competition

As more businesses recognize the value of digital advertising, competition for ad space on platforms like Google, Microsoft, Facebook and LinkedIn has grown exponentially. This increased demand naturally drives up the cost of ad placements and on platforms where bidding determines ad placement, higher competition directly inflates costs-per-click.

2. Enhanced Targeting Capabilities

One of the most attractive features of digital advertising is its targeting capabilities, allowing advertisers to zero in on specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. While this precision can lead to better ROI, it also means that advertisers are willing to pay more.

3. Privacy Changes and Data Limitations

Recent privacy regulations (e.g. GDPR, CCPA and CPPA), and platform updates like Apple’s iOS 14 update have impacted how companies like Google and Meta track user data. These changes have made it more challenging to measure ad performance and target users effectively, leading to increased costs.

4. Inflation and Platform Pricing Strategies

Broader economic factors, including inflation and changes in consumer behavior, can also influence advertising costs. Inflation also impacts operating costs for advertising platforms, and these increases are often passed down to businesses. Additionally, platforms like Google and Meta use strategies to maximize revenue and incentivize larger ad spends.

5. Automation and AI

While automated bidding strategies are designed to maximize ad performance, they can also inadvertently increase costs. For example, when multiple advertisers use automation and AI to targeting the same audience, the algorithms can cause a bidding war, driving up the cost-per-click and impression.

Navigate the rising costs of advertising online

Though rising costs are a challenge, businesses can adapt by using the following strategies:

  • Improve ad relevance: Highly targeted and engaging content can increase quality scores and reduce costs.
  • Test alternative platforms: Platforms like TikTok, Pinterest, or niche networks may offer more affordable opportunities.
  • Invest in first-party data: Collecting and leveraging your own data can enhance targeting without relying on costly third-party sources.
  • Optimize conversion paths: Ensuring your landing pages and user experience are optimized can help you make the most of every click.

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