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Can custom software really save you money?

You’ve probably heard about Netflix’s recent price hikes, but they’re not the only ones. Many companies use a subscription model these days, and those subscriptions can quickly add up!

Computer programmers working on a desktop computer writing code.

The Problem

A client came to us recently with a similar problem; the fees for their current employee management system were going to drastically increase, and they were looking for a replacement. 

The Requirements

They wanted a replacement that 1) didn’t bankrupt the company and 2) could support a large marketing team with hundreds of employees. They needed a solution that: 

  • Is mobile friendly, 
  • Easy to use, 
  • Support educational courses, learning modules, and tests, 
  • Manage content like images, videos, and links, 
  • Schedule posts (with a start and end date), 
  • And work seamlessly with their other systems and databases.

The Solution

So, we put our thinking caps on, researched other content management systems, and got to work. In only a month’s time we had a working system that met all their requirements and more. Using Moodle and Directus (both open-source software), we combined their two offerings to meet our client’s needs. Moodle would handle the learning management such as creating courses, modules, and tests while Directus would handle the content management and share images, videos, and links on social media platforms. Moreso, the new system integrates seamlessly with our clients’ other systems, only requiring a user to sign in on one to access the other! 

As I write this, the first iteration of the tool is being tested, and we are looking forward to seeing what improvements we can make to it in the future. We’re excited about how it turned out, meeting all our client’s needs, seamlessly integrating with their other systems, and all of that for a much cheaper price than what their previous provider was asking. 

How Dunham Can Help

If you’re having a similar problem or just looking to stop paying ridiculous, every increasing fees, send us a message and we’ll see what we can do to help! We’re happy to look for out-of-the-box solutions that best fit your needs. 

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